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Customized solutions for a variety of applications!

Resource efficient production lines… [Read more]

Process efficiency by modular components…[Read more]

Highly automated innovative conception… [Read more]

Automated systems for a broad range of products

All systems developed by KARL SCHNELL can be used in both the human food and the pet food sectors. For manufacturers of any quantities, there are systems in the appropriately designed size. This applies equally to both areas. Individual requirements, special room criteria, etc. are taken into account, thanks to our high flexibility. Each client gets a customized solution.

It should be emphasized that there is only a marginal difference in industrial processing of human food and pet food. All producers have the same needs. They process edible meat in food quality and have enormous quality standards. Also the hygiene standards are largely identical. The really significant difference is the bone content in the pet food process.

Pet food is often produced in large quantities. Nowadays there is also a trend for lower production volumes but fast changing recipes. For these applications our customers can rely on the particularly robust and reliable machinery by KARL SCHNELL.

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