Notes on data privacy
1. Online data privacy:
Online data privacy is an issue to which KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG is firmly committed! The ongoing optimisation of our online presence is our intention to offer simple service and show full respect of the rights, expectations and needs of our clients and other visitors. In this privacy policy we describe how the data which you provide us through the search and the use of functions on our websites, are collected, processed and protected according to the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and German Broadcast Media Act (TMG).
2. Contractual relationships with partners / third parties:
Our website includes co-operations with other service providers.
Via our website we provide our users, among others, occasional access to our product pages and the services of partner companies.
Users of the website enter a contractual relationship with the respective service provider through the use of the services of the service providers, for whom the respective contractual terms of the service provider apply. The legal and content-related liability for the services offered on the product pages of the partner companies lies solely with the respective partner companies with content which is accessed through our home page.
When using the services of a service provider, contractual relationships occur solely with the respective partner companies and the user according to the applicable conditions of this contractual relationship.
3. Liability:
For damages resulting from injuries to life, limb and health, the company shall be liable only to the extent that these are due to conduct through malicious intent or gross negligence or through the culpable violation through a major contractual obligation through the company or its vicarious agents (e.g. the employees which are active at the business premises of our customers for KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG) of the company. Any further liability for damages is precluded. The terms of the product liability law and other compulsory legal regulations remain unaffected.
If a major violation of a contractual obligation occurs, then the liability of the KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG company is limited to such typical damages according to type and scope which would be reasonably foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of contract.
The company KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG is liable only for the actions of the partner companies to the extent they are vicarious agents and it does not take assume any liability for the availability or freedom from interference of the services offered via the links. The company KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG does assume any responsibility or liability in this case for the fact that the services offered by the partner companies do correspond to the legal regulations.
4. Copyright:
All contents and structures of this website are protected by copyright and ancillary copyrights. The publication on the the Worldwide Web on other Internet services does not indicate a declaration of consent for another use through third parties. Each usage not permitted under German copyright requires the prior written consent of KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG.
We allow and explicitly welcome the citation of our documents as well as the placement of links on our website, as long as it is indicated that this regards the contents of the website KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG and that this content is not associated with the content of third parties which conflict with the interests of the company KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG.
The copyrights of third parties will be observed to the extent that the content on this site has not been established by the operators. In particular, the content of third parties has been indicated as such. Should you nevertheless be aware of a copyright violation, we ask for appropriate notification. We will remove such content immediately in the event that we become aware of such infringements.
5. Applicable law:
All data or information, their use and logging on to the website of KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG as well as all actions, sufferances or omissions which are associated with the website of KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG are subject to German law. The place of jurisdiction is Ludwigsburg.
The protection and the safety of personal data (as e.g. name, address, phone numbers or e-mails) is a very serious and important entrepreneurial responsibility and objective. Therefore we implement our web activities and other IT and telephony services in accordance with the respective laws and regulations in respect of data protection and data integrity.
The scope of information which we which we collect and dealing with these data are described in the following information.
6. Personal data / Usage types:
For KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG, the protection of your personal data is the highest and an absolute priority. You decide for example if you want to disclose your data within the scope of the use of our contact form or similar items. This information is relevant to your inquiry but it is provided to us on a voluntary basis.
We neither sell nor market your personal data to third parties!
The German Broadcast Media Act (TMG), supplementary the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) or other valid legal provisions apply to data which are transmitted to us.
We save and process your personal information exclusively within the scope of what is required to meet our contractual and legal responsibilities towards you. When you subscribe to the newsletter your e-mail address is used for own advertising purposes, until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Unsubscribing is possible at any time. If KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG wants to undertake the usage of your data for example to inform you about current offers, we will obtain an explicitly consent from you. You can withdraw this consent at any time. You can send your revocation e.g. to the following address:
Attn.: Data Protection Officer (DSB)
Mühlstraße 30
73650 Winterbach
In the event of a revocation we will cease the additionally granted usage of your data immediately. We ask for your understanding if the processing of your revocation occasionally will take up to 3 business days after receipt.
7. Right of access:
According to the Federal Data Protection Act you have the right to free information about your saved data as well as the right to correct, block or delete these data where necessary.
8. Exchange of data:
In addition to the usage types described above, KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG shares your data with third parties, who are involved in the dealing with your purchasing order or orders. Data will be transmitted only as far as they are needed to fulfil your order or to edit an inquiry. We will also submit personal data to third parties unless we are legally obliged to it.
The company KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG will not pass on any personal data about the visitors and users of our websites if the respective persons haven’t given their specific permission for it. User names, e-mail addresses or similar will not be sold to other companies, who send you unsolicited advertisement or mail.
Advertisements of third parties or links to other websites which are shown on our website, collect possibly user data if you click on them or if you follow otherwise their instructions. We do not have any control over the data which are collected voluntarily or non-voluntarily via advertisements or websites of third parties. We recommend to review the privacy policies of the advertised websites if you have any concerns regarding the collection and usage of your data.
9. Cookies:
As it is usual at many other websites, KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG uses, where necessary, the technology which is known as “Cookies”, to collect data about the fact, how you use the website and to ensure that your visits run smoothly.
Our cookies neither contain nor reveal any personal data. Cookies are not able to read any information in your computer nor do they interact with other cookies on your hard disk.
However cookies make it possible for us to recognize you again at a later visit of our website.
If you do not want that your browser accepts and processes cookies, then you can switch off this possibility in the browser settings.
Switching off the cookie function can prevent that the website functions properly. In this case you are not able to reach all possibilities and information of this website.
10. Automatically collected data / usage data on our website:
We invite everybody to visit and use our website free of charge and to view our offer. As soon as you visit our website, we record your IP address (i.e. the website of your computer, not your e-mail address) and other general usage data to judge which parts of our website you visit and how long you will stay there.
These data are consolidated with the usage data of all visitors of our website to measure and evaluate statistically the number of our visitors, the average dwell time on our websites and the called websites etc. These data which are collected and consolidated are used only for internal purposes. An inference to you as person is thus not possible.
We use these consolidated data and the statistical information which we receive out of it to evaluate our products and services and to analyse and measure the usage of our website and to improve its content on the whole.
11. Usage of Social Plugins:
On our websites plugins of social networks are included. You recognize the plugins by the respective logos (Facebook).
If you interact with the plugins, then your browser establishes a direct connection with the servers of the social networks. The social networks receive then the information that you with your IP address have visited our website. If you are logged on at the social networks, then those can assign the visit to the respective user account.
Since this transfer is proceeded directly, we are not informed about the submitted data. Any information for the purpose and scope of the data collection through social networks, the further processing and usage of the data through the social networks as well as rights and setting possibilities in this regard for the protection of your privacy can be obtained in the data protection references of the respective social network.
12. Communication by e-mail:
We use e-mail for services or in connection with information regarding our products / services. In these cases we keep hold of your e-mail address in our documents.
13. Youth protection:
Kids / juveniles should not submit any personal data to websites without the permission of the parents or the custodian. The company KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG advises all parents and custodians to instruct their kids to the safe and responsible handling with personal data in the Internet and furthermore to help at any time with words and deeds.
KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG will not collect knowingly any personal data from kids or use them in any way or disclose them unauthorised against third parties or make them available or forward them.
14. Safety:
KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG makes arrangements to ensure the safety of your personal data. Your data are protected conscientiously and carefully against loss, destruction, fraud, manipulation and unauthorised access or disclosure as well as transfer to third parties.
KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG protects the collected customer data by storing it with a password and what is known as “Firewalls” and “Virus scanner” protected servers which use cryptographic techniques to protect against unauthorised access.
KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG makes its best effort and uses the latest technology to offer you a safe environment for the conclusion of the contract. However, it cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data.
We recommend that you take every possible precautionary measure for the protection of your personal data while you use Internet services. As minimum requirement, we ask you to change your passwords on a regular basis, to select a combination of letters and numbers and to ensure that you are using a safe browser while surfing the web.
15. Links:
This website contains links to other websites. Some of these other websites use logos or brands of KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG where applicable and might appear to be websites operated by the company but are actually operated by third-party providers.
This should be indicated accordingly on the website or in the usage conditions or privacy policies. KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG has no control over the content or the operation of any websites of third parties and is not responsible for any information which is included on these websites. At the same time, KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG is not responsible for the placement of orders or services which are ordered via such a website nor is KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG responsible for the privacy policies of such websites and data which are collected there explicitly or automatically.
When there are difficulties or other problems associated with websites of third parties, we would like to ask you to directly contact this service provider.
The websites operated by third parties will share the data collected about you with KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG where necessary. Information which KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG receives in this way is processed according to these privacy policies and the respective applicable and valid data protection laws.
16. Privacy Policy, usage conditions and conditions of sale:
This privacy policy applies in conjunction with our usage conditions and general business conditions. These terms together govern the usage of this website. We recommend that all users of our website familiarise themselves with these conditions.
17. Update of the privacy policy:
KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG can and will update this privacy policy from time to time, e.g. to account for future situations or new or modified general legal conditions. Such changes are indicated on the website. If you have any remarks or questions regarding this privacy policies or other terms of reference of this website, we request for you to contact us in writing.
18. Validity of the privacy policy:
The privacy policy applies to all direct Internet services offered by us which you can access or call up at www.karlschnell.de, www.ks-cero.de and www.ks-hopla.de. This policy if you leave our Internet portal (direct Internet services) through a link (links) and enter an Internet website over which we have no control (refer to information under links in the privacy policy).
The usage of this website is in accordance with the specifications of this privacy policy. If you do not agree with this policy, we kindly ask you to no longer use our website. We reserve the right to change, to amend or to delete parts of the privacy policies at any time.
Amendments are indicated on the website – please review it on our website regularly.
19. Contact person in case of questions or information queries:
You can contact our Data Protection Officer (DSB) in writing, who is available under the following address with all questions, comments, complaints as well as requests for information in conjunction with our data protection policy and the processing of your personal data:
Attn. Data Protection Officer (DSB)
Mühlstraße 30
73650 Winterbach