Mühlstraße 30
73650 Winterbach
Telephone +49 (0) 71 81 / 962 – 0
Telefax +49 (0) 71 81 / 962 – 100
Company seat of the limited commercial partnership:
Winterbach, Registration Court Stuttgart HRA 280216
Personally liable partner:
KARL SCHNELL GmbH, company seat: Winterbach,
Registration Court Stuttgart HRB 280091
Managing Director:
Dr. oec. Ernst-Otto Schnell
VAT No. DE 146 618 470
Bernd Mehlau Fotografie
Degenhofer Straße 51
71364 Winnenden
Office: 0 71 95 / 92 06 10
Studio: 0173 / 85 43 613
Design and Realization:
Fuchs & Jäger
Note on legal liability:
The information on this website is of a general nature and only serves the purpose of presenting KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG to interested internet users. KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to change, remove, or update at any time, without separate announcement, the information, products or services being offered on this website. In spite of carefully checking the contents, we assume no liability for the contents of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of linked pages. The passing-on, change, commercial use, or utilisation of the entire content of the KARL SCHNELL webpage is not permitted. Any reproduction, conveyance and processing is not permitted without the written approval of KARL SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KG. German law is solely applicable for any possible legal relationships arising now or in the future, and solely German courts have legal jurisdiction.